Lent, Spring, & The Kokosing River

 By mid-January I am generally left wondering how much more winter and darkness I can take that season. Winter is a struggle for me in many ways, and January and February often prove to hold significant spiritual wrestling.  Having been raised in a protestant evangelical setting, I did not grow up observing the season of… Continue reading Lent, Spring, & The Kokosing River

Twenty Twenty-One – A Year Review

JANUARY  I deleted all social media, and had to learn to be okay with being “disconnected” to be connected in real life. Margie died, and we hugged our friends in their grief. I designed, patterned, and sewed new products at my seamstress job, and learned the trick to efficiently measure out enough yardage to cover… Continue reading Twenty Twenty-One – A Year Review

Refuge Against the Winter Dark – Prayer of Petition VIII

I remember the first time I realized that the time change affected me. Lying on the living room floor, facing the ceiling, I was unable to motivate myself to rise because of how dark it was by 4pm. The darkness outside seemed to physically hold my body to the floor. Two years ago I wrote… Continue reading Refuge Against the Winter Dark – Prayer of Petition VIII

Color-Coding Your Bible Study

A few years ago I was desperate for some structure in the area of my Bible highlighting. I had a small collection of highlighters, colored pencils, and micron pens that I would use to highlight, underline, and annotate during my daily devotions, but there was very little rhyme or reason to my method of using… Continue reading Color-Coding Your Bible Study